Terms and Conditions for Reseller Packages

  1. Minimum Commitment: Resellers must commit to a minimum of 3 months. Cancellation of service will result in the forfeiture of any unused hours.
  2. Eligibility: Only marketing, design, or development agencies are eligible for our reseller packages. The hours are strictly to be used for their clients and cannot be resold to another agency.
  3. Conflict of Interest: Any conflict of interest will void the agreement. Code and Copy will not contact your clients without your consent. However, if a client approaches us directly, and we are unaware they are your client, we reserve the right to do business with them.
  4. Liability: Code and Copy cannot take responsibility for any repercussions that may arise from using our reseller service.
  5. Amendments to Terms: Code and Copy reserves the right to amend these terms. Resellers will be notified via email 30 days before any changes take effect.
  6. Service Cancellation: We reserve the right to cancel services at any time.
  7. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from these terms will be handled under South African law.
  8. Payment Terms: Unpaid invoices will result in the suspension of our services, regardless of any active projects. If invoices remain unpaid for 60 days, and we do not hear from the reseller, all services will be cancelled, and any work will be suspended and deleted.
  9. POPIA Compliance: Code and Copy adheres to the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA). We are committed to safeguarding the personal information of resellers and their clients. Personal data will only be used for the purposes agreed upon and will not be shared with third parties without consent.
  10. Use of Hours: Resellers are allocated a specific number of hours each month as per the package selected. These hours can be used for any services offered by Code and Copy, including search engine optimization, Google Ads management, website development, and more. Unused hours can be carried over for up to 90 days. Any hours not used within this period will be forfeited.
  11. Reseller Responsibilities: Resellers are responsible for providing all necessary information and materials required for the completion of projects. Any delays in providing this information may result in delays in project completion.
  12. Quality Assurance: Code and Copy will strive to maintain high standards of quality in all services provided. However, resellers are responsible for reviewing all work and providing feedback within a reasonable timeframe. Any issues must be reported within 7 days of delivery.
  13. Intellectual Property: All intellectual property rights for the work completed by Code and Copy will remain the property of Code and Copy until full payment is received. Upon full payment, intellectual property rights will be transferred to the reseller.
  14. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information shared during the course of the agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, client lists, business strategies, and financial information.
  15. Indemnification: The reseller agrees to indemnify and hold Code and Copy harmless from any claims, damages, or expenses arising out of the reseller’s use of our services. This includes any legal fees incurred as a result of such claims.
  16. Termination of Agreement: Either party may terminate the agreement with 30 days written notice. In the event of termination, the reseller will be responsible for paying for all services rendered up to the date of termination.
  17. Force Majeure: Code and Copy will not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this agreement due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes, or governmental regulations.